Деветти годишен регионален Форум за владеење на правото во Југоисточна Европа

25 – 26 ноември 2022

Целта на Форумот е да се промовира имплементацијата на Европската конвенција за човекови права на домашно ниво, да се поттикне регионалната соработка во континуиран развој на владеењето на правото и човековите права и да помогне во процесот на интеграција на регионот во ЕУ. Форумот е поддржан од Владата на Обединетото Кралство, Владата на Шведска и Фондацијата Конрад Аденауер.

Темата на Форумот во 2022 година ќе бидат човековите права за време на вонредна состојба и улогата на судството согласно Европската конвенција за човекови права. Направивме широки консултации со членовите на судството и невладиниот сектор низ регионот и во Стразбур и оваа тема беше нагласена како прашање од фундаментално значење и релевантност, кое често се занемарува. За време на Форумот ќе се разговара за повеќе прашања, меѓу кои се судската и демократската контрола на вонредните мерки, дискусија за клучните прашања кои се појавија на домашно ниво за време на пандемијата и за друго.

Учесниците кои се поканети се од Албанија, Босна и Херцеговина, Хрватска, Косово, Северна Македонија, Црна Гора и Србија. Ќе ги собереме судиите од регионот, кои се избрани во Европскиот суд за човекови права, претседателите и судиите на врховните и уставните судови од регионот, претседателите на судските совети, директорите на институциите за обука на судии, владините агенти пред Судот во Стразбур, претставниците на невладините организации и истакнати правни експерти од областа. Своето присуство и учество на Форумот го потврдија судиите на Европскиот суд за човекови права од регионот.

Opening Speech by Biljana Braithwaite

When States are required to respond quickly to a serious and complex emergency, it is clear that rigorous parliamentary scrutiny of emergency measures and their compatibility with human rights might not always be possible. In this context, effective and independent judicial scrutiny of executive measures becomes yet more essential to hold governments to account and to protect fundamental rights and the rule of law..”

Opening Speech by Goran Miletić

In the emergency times, state authorities are required to react quickly, to set measures and protect their citizens. Unfortunately, as we have seen in the last years, such actions might also often lead to violation of human rights, especially in countries with authoritarian regimes and hybrid democracies. Our task is to ensure that full respect of international human rights standards is always a priority.

This year Europe is facing new challenges, including the war in Ukraine, climate and energy crises. Lessons from Covid-19 can provide a valuable opportunity for us to learn how to act and respond to emergency situations, and ensure the judicial and democratic scrutiny of emergency measures.

Opening Speech by Vitore Tusha

Respect for human rights and guarantee of human rights, as well as their elaboration in line with the recent social, cultural and economic developments make such forum one of the forms of our regional cooperation and dialogue. This dialogue is about ensuring the highest protection of human rights possible in a multi-level system, which enables fundamental rights to be guaranteed by various national and international bodies.”

Opening Speech by Darian Pavli

As a general consideration of the last three years with the pandemic we have had a kind of illustration of the fact that emergencies, whatever their cause is, are threatening lives and health of people. But they also represent a stress test. They test how strong and consolidated democratic institutions are, and how the rule of law system responds..”

Opening Speech by Elsa Håstad

Can we use emergency as an excuse to violate human rights? No, I would argue, we cannot. Because principles for human rights do not change when we have a situation of emergency. It’s only the circumstances that change for a moment.

Opening Speech by Alastair King-Smith

Even when we are challenged by these times of emergency and urgent issues, and we have to respond to the emergencies, we must not miss the impact on human rights and values .”


Opening Speech by Pavel Usvatov

Liberal democracies that adhere to the rule of law, as most of the countries do, have made a profound and humane choice – to preserve as many lives as possible during the pandemics, and to preserve economy, welfare and social peace. The governments must answer how to implement this decision, while preventing economic collapse and staying true to our liberal democratic values and protection of human rights.”


Keynote Speech “Inclusive Democracy and the Rule of Law in Times of Crisis”

Keynote Speech by Robert Spano, former President of the European Court of Human Rights

Panel Discussion “Judicial scrutiny of emergency measures”

The Forum’s first panel session introduced the importance of effective judicial scrutiny of emergency measures, as articulated in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, and provided the opportunity to analyse what exactly constitutes ‘effective’ judicial review during times of emergency. The opening panel has laid the foundations for discussions at the rest of the Forum, exploring what exactly constitutes a ‘time of emergency’ and ’emergency measures’ and identifying the broad scope of situations in relation to which discussions regarding ‘times of emergency’ are relevant. The panelists have considered what constitutes ‘effective review’ under Articles 5 and 6 ECHR, as well as the requirements for effective review which form part of the proportionality assessments under other Convention Articles, before analysing how such requirements could permissibly be adapted during times of emergency..”


Panel Discussion “Democratic scrutiny of emergency measures”

The panel discussion has explored the role of democratic scrutiny during times of emergency, recognising the limits of judicial scrutiny and the need for other effective mechanisms by which to review emergency measures. Informed by the latest caselaw of the Strasbourg Court, the panellists examined the principles of legality, proportionality and the margin of appreciation and discussed how these principles can and should be applied during times of emergency, including the factors which should be taken into account when making a proportionality assessment of an emergency measure. The panel focused on the introduction of ‘lockdown’ measures across Europe, and the relevant ECtHR case law in respect these measures, as an example of the how the principles discussed throughout the session are applied in practice.”


Panel Discussion “Lessons learned – future proofing the judiciary…”

Lessons learned – future proofing the judiciary and ensuring a Convention compliant response to times of emergency”

Taking account of the conversations and issues raised within the working group sessions, the final panel provided the opportunity to reflect on key lessons learned during the pandemic. The panellists distilled best practice identified as having emerged during the pandemic, to suggest how courts can build on lessons learned to future-proof the efficacy of judiciaries and the protection of human rights more generally. The panel analysed the introduction of different vaccination policies across Europe in response to the pandemic, and the relevant caselaw in respect of this, as an example of how human rights can and should be applied in the context of the novel questions which arise during an emergency. The session has taken account of how the Strasbourg and national courts adapted to continue to function during the pandemic, looking to the future to evaluate which practices can and should be carried forward, to respond to any ongoing and future challenges facing courts at every level.